
Saturday 2 March 2013

Piaggio P-166

The Piaggio P.166 is a twin-engine pusher-type utility aircraft developed by the Italian aircraft manufacturer Piaggio Aero. The aircraft is known as Albatross in South African military service.
#Country of origin    Italy
It is a tireless aircraft for public service.
The P166 is a light utility aircraft developed by Piaggio in the 1960s to replace the P136 "Royal Gull", an amphibious plane that met with great success.
The P166 has been produced in numerous versions. Thanks to its versatility and adaptability, it has been used in many different operational applications such as an executive aircraft, an air ambulance during military operations, a multiengine trainer, a marine reconnaissance and air surveillance aircraft, and for operations.
The latest model, the P166 DP1, was developed between 1998 and 2004. It has been awarded ENAC-EASA civil aviation certification as per FAR-JAR 23 regulations for instrument flight, with autopilot, under known icing conditions.
Also, the military version called the P166-DP1-VMA, which is designed for "marine surveillance to prevent illegal trafficking", is currently used by the Italian Finance Police.  It has completed the DGAA-Armaereo certification process.
The P166 DP1 features new Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6-A121 turboprop engines with 615 SHP and an increased maximum takeoff weight of 9920 lbs (4500 kg).  It is also equipped with Collins Proline II Avionics and Autopilot, electric trim on all three axes, an improved fuel system with single-point pressurized refueling, and a bleed air heating and air conditioning system with ecological Freon.Interior comfort has also been improved, and all materials are certified as fireproof. 
The P166 DP1 is equipped with the VMA state-of-the-art mission surveillance system featuring a new, tactical console that is fully integrated into the work station.  It can handle and display day and night thermal images and includes a color camera, weather radar, and 360° search capabilities.
The P166 DP1 even has an IR/UV Scanner for environmental surveillance, with dedicated console in the VMA version.

The Piaggio P-166 has been built in only small numbers but has been used in a wide variety of utility missions.
Intended for civil use when designed in the late 1950s, the P-166 features a large cabin which has been put to use in a variety of civil, military and quasi military roles, while its gull wing with tip tanks and pusher engines configuration like that on the P-136 amphibian, ensures it is easily identified.
The prototype P-166 first flew on November 16, 1957, and deliveries of the initial P-166AL-1 production model took place from April 1959. Just 23 were built before production switched to the P-166BL-2 Portofino, which featured more powerful 285kW (380hp) engines and an increased max takeoff weight of 3800kg (8377lb). Five Portofinos were built, while several earlier P-166s were converted to that standard with the more powerful engines.
The Italian Air Force received 51 of the military model, the P-166ML-1, for communication and training duties. This had an extra cockpit door, a larger main loading door, and a strengthened floor.
The P-166S Albatross was built for the South African Air Force as a search-and-rescue and surveillance version, twenty of which were built.
The P-166CL-2 was introduced in 1964 and featured a larger cabin and 3950kg (8708lb) max takeoff weight. It could seat 12 passengers but only two were built. It had an external landing gear pod.The P-166DL-2 had an increased fuel capacity in the wingtip tanks, and a higher MTOW of 4100kg (9039lb).
The turboprop LTP-101 powered P-166DL-3 first flew in 1976 and was certificated in 1978. Alitalia has taken delivery of several for use as crew trainers, but most have been for the Italian government and military. Production of the radar and FLIR equipped P-166DL-3/SEM continued into the 1990s for the Italian Coastguard and it remains available on demand.The 459kW (615shp) Pratt & Whitney PT6A-121 powered P-166DP-1 first flew in May 1999, eight have been ordered by the Italian Customs and Coastguard.    
The technical specifications of the P166 DP1 describe a versatile, reliable aircraft that is suited for highly diverse applications.The P166 DP1 is a twin pusher-type turboprop and is powered by two P&WC PT6A-121 rated at 615 SHP each. It has a comfortable (unpressurized) cabin with a height of 1.75 meters (69.29 in) and is certified to operate with a single pilot. In its civil executive version, it can host up to 6 passengers besides a two-man crew.Two versions are available:  a standard model for civilian transport, and a version for marine surveillance to prevent illegal trafficking (used by the Italian Finance Police).

Cabin Height: 69.29 in
Cabin Width: 61.81 in
Cabin Length: 120,08 in
MTOW: 9920 lbs
MZFW: 8190 lbs
Max Payload: 1290 lbs
Max Fuel: 2490 lbs
Maximum Altitude: 24000 ft
Vmo: 220 Kts (210 Kts for the VMA version)
Max Control Speed: 85 Kts
Stall Speed: 69 Kts
Max Range: 915 nm at Max Range Power
Max Time: 5Hr 10' Patrol Mission at 3000 ft
T/O Distance: 2450 ft at MTOW ISA S.L.
LAND Distance: 2150 ft at MLW ISA S.L.
Best Rate / Climb: 1770 ft/min Two Engine at MTOW
Best Rate / Climb: 490 ft/min One Engine at MTOW
P-166 - Two 255kW (340hp) Lycoming GSO-480-B1C6 geared and supercharged flat six piston engines driving three blade constant speed propellers. 
P-166DL-3/SEM - Two 450kW (600shp) AlliedSignal LTP-101-700 turboprops.
P-166 - Max speed 357km/h (193kt), max cruising speed 333km/h (180kt), economical cruising speed 280km/h (151kt). Initial rate of climb 1240ft/min. Service ceiling 25,000ft. Max range 1930km (1040nm).
P-166DL-3/SEM - Max speed 400km/h (215kt). Range with max payload 1390km (750nm), range with max fuel 2130km (1150nm).
P-166 - Empty 2350kg (5180lb), max takeoff 3680kg (8115lb).
P-166DL-3/SEM - Empty equipped 2688kg (5926lb), max takeoff 4300kg (9480lb).
P-166 - Wing span (without tip tanks) 14.25m (46ft 9in), length 11.61m (38ft 1in), height 5.00m (16ft 5in). Wing area 26.6m2 (286sq ft). 
P-166DL-3/SEM - Same except for wing span over tip tanks 14.69m (48ft 3in), length (including chin mounted radar) 11.88m (39ft 0in).
Flightcrew of one or two and standard seating for eight or nine in main cabin in airliner configuration. Max seating for 12 in P-166C. Executive configuration seats five or six with toilet and bar. Air ambulance can carry two stretchers and two medical attendants.
Approximately 145 P-166s of all models built, including many for government and military customers. New production aircraft built on demand.

Monika Singh(B.Tech,ECE)
Software Trainee / Blog Master

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